writer, director, edit, vfx / Alex Familian

producer / Mike Shafia

exec producer / The Wild Honey Pie



the bride / Anna Zlokovic

the groom / Stephen Cervantes

the band / Made Up People


Las Vegas Unit

DP / Powell Robinson

1st AC / Carter Ross

gaffer / Hiram Borges

costume design & hair styling / Nadine Sondej-Robinson

make up & sfx / Julia Chateau


Los Angeles Unit

AD / Anna Zlokovic 

DP / Powell Robinson

1st AC / Kyle Frank

gaffer / Sebastian Baron

grip / Alberto Gonzalez

costume design & HMU / Nadine Sondej-Robinson

PA / Daniel Stuart

colorist / Stephen Derluguian


Special Thanks

Tim, Beth, and Charlotte at the Pinball Hall of Fame

Lightstone Rentals

Klondike Casino

Joe Mischo